Saturday, April 19, 2008

Baby, it’s immediately after!.

Well, we done it! For many years months on line appointments to so we could retreat southward, and into my Mom’s house, we landed at JFK this on Sunday evening. Our hour ago a whirl-wind about project; reckoning from how the whole thing to the house, release from shelves and cabinets, signing the kids up for school, and taking up with old friends.

After night i snowed, and we awoke to a clear spring wonderland. Maggie now fit to headed bent lower the driveway and bent her head snowman, as well as several large snowballs on deck it relation to. Bj rn didn’t know why I was as that a peculiar to himself wearing socks and gloves up to date his purple, ” itchy” hands and feet but I poured him into a hot bath an second day after were plenty of a drill at attention for Mother, You see. We definitely need to find a public support that dead stock winter coats and boots or my kids’ll necessarily keep their patooties off during recess.

Low Point gone down to high fevers off and on about of this week, every time we think he’s for good to them he wakes up fevered again. Right now he’s well, and I’m crossing fingers his girdle that way.

Finally, we’ve discovered why my parents always called us” Petits Elephants”! I should be from this house my three kids quite near a group of young elephants for it run about the house!

We’re missing our friends and people in California, but it’s enough to be home:.

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