Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Discovery Kids Endurance Fiji.

As we are half way through the amazing season of endurance fiji I began reflecting of endurance as a whole. Like many of you I have been a big fan of the show since the very first episode. And for the new Endurance fans who just became fans recently I am sure ya’ll have seen the enduance marathons on dk. When I was telling some kids from school that I was on the show, many of them were so excited remembering waking up early saturday morning to see the latest developments of the first teen reality show. For the past six seasons Endurance has brought teens from across the country together to compete mentally, physically, and socially to see who can endure the most. The show has given its viewers plenty of memerable moments. As stated on my bio on dk, my favorite was bryannah’s reaction when she realzed she was partnered with Monroe in e3. Just priceless. We all have our favorites. What are ya’lls? As stated above it has brought competitors from across the nation ready to prove their stuff to the entire nation. I was most difently excited to compete in the ultimate competition! And through all the drama and tears, it has created such strong bonds and life long friendships. I am so glad that I was able to meet other teens from all over the nation who I would have never interacted with my entire life. And they truely have become very important people in my life. I miss them dearly, and I can’t wait for our next reunion together Hannah I am on my way Anyway I have been talking to some endurance alumni, gosh the alumni group is getting pretty big now, over 100, lol. We were curious if the fans were interested in having some type of reunion competition with compeitiors from the past 6 seasons for e7? We were wondering if ya’ll would even want to see some of ya’lls favorites compete for a 2nd shot of proving they truely do have endurance or if ya’ll would prefer just another regular season? Give me your thoughts we all can’t wait to read them!.

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